Jun 11, 2009

throwing bats might be as deadly as loving cupcakes...

When reading a book, mental pictures are painted for each character. We imagine the way they act, what they look like, how they feel, and the overall general description of this individual. I could conjure up a completely opposite image of who this character is in another person's mind. It's fun to read a book and have your own idea of how things should be, then to watch a movie based on that book and be able to look through another's eyes at what they've envisioned.

The same rules somewhat apply to the cyber world as well.

I follow 6-7 blogs daily. I'm interested in what they have to say, and I give my insight of certain things when needed. Out of every blog followed, I only know one blogger personally. The rest are complete strangers. Some even live all the way across the US. We will probably never meet, but I feel somewhat connected to them and their lives because they are generous enough to share their thoughts and feeling about every day life.

I did, however, get to compare my version of the "book" to the "movie" last night at my softball game. Well not really, I actually got to meet one of the bloggers. His blogs are very entertaining to read. He seems like an awesome guy who obviously loves his wife and children. He cares when people are disrespectful at "mini" graduations, and just seems like an overall great no "BS" type of guy! THAT is the type of person I envisioned him to be.

SO, imagining him to be funny, outgoing, and friendly...I was excited to see who this guy really was. WELL, let me tell you!

This is how it played out:

I was catcher.
He was up to bat.
The Pitcher threw the ball.
He swung.
The ball went high up into the air.
Out to the right fielder.
The fielder caught the ball.
And he THREW the bat on the ground.
With a good amount of force.

Now I'm not saying that he threw it across the field, or at the backstop, or even at the players. It landed right beside him, did a little hipity-hop, then he picked up the bat and walked to the dug out with a frown on his face.

It probably wasn't as dramatic as some of you might have painted in your head while reading this, BUT it wasn't my picture of how he would act in an ADULT softball game. ESPECIALLY when this is a family event, and he just got done ranting about how adults should be more respectful at family events such as a child's kindergarten graduation. There could have been a parent in the stands, watching the joys of their child catching that fly ball, and their utopia immediately interrupted by some guy, throwing a bat on the ground. I'm just saying....

BOTTOM LINE: Never throw a bat out of frustration; it could destroy a freshly painted picture.

--Now I'm sure he still is a GREAT guy, I just never envisioned him as the type of guy that would get that intense in a game of slow-pitch softball...I guess I was wrong. :)


  1. I didn't throw the bat, I dropped it hard. And this wasn't a kids event. I am competitive. I'm glad we won too! :)

  2. AKA threw it on the ground....and I'm sure those parents would say the exact same thing about wanting those free cupcakes...they were just cometitive. I'm sure there were a lot of parents watching their kids playing softball. No matter how old your child is, they are still your kid. And you will get just as much joy out of watching their adult softball game as you would watching their kindergarden graduation.

    PS. That was a pretty good game. We still have one more chance to kick your butt!
