Jun 11, 2009

Things that make me an adult...

So if you guys haven't noticed, I'm 22 and have two children. Isaiah who is 3 years old and Ashley who is 4 months old. Having children at a young age has forced me to grow up very fast for their sake. And even though I'm "grown-up", I'm still not an "adult". I still need to pick up a lot of (adult) characteristics. Here are some things that I've done over the past year that take me one step closer to my goal.

COFFEE- I HATE coffee. A lot of people like the taste of it (mostly adults). Well guess what??!? I actually found a coffee drink that I actually ENJOY! Blended Iced Mocha's at Coffee Perk are the only coffee beverage that I will drink. Even though it is a small step....it's still a STEP!

TOMATOES AND ONIONS-I hate hate HATE(ed) tomatoes and onions on my sandwich. Couldn't stand them! So one day (after years of requesting NO tomatoes or onions at the deli) an employee decide that they should ignore my requests. I now like the tomatoes and onions on my sandwich. THANK YOU OBLIVIOUS DELI EMPLOYEE!

MOWING THE LAWN-I know I know I know....I should have mowed the lawn a LONG time ago, and this shouldn't be a stepping stone in becoming an adult...but this is MY stepping stone! To clarify me NEVER mowing the lawn...I was the baby of my siblings, siblings who LOVED to mow the lawn and would NEVER let me do it. Then when I moved away from the nest, I lived in apartments...so no yard! And when I moved into an actual house to where we had complete control over our yard.....life happened and I ended up single. A single mother with two kids and a HUGE lawn.....with grass. Actually NO. It wasn't grass....WEEDS. Weeds that grow 10,000 times faster than grass! So there you have it! I've mowed a lawn all by myself!

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