Jun 22, 2009

Mt. Dew and Reese's, oh how I love thee....

I have been having a MAJORLY not so bad but bad enough to be bad day. I don't know what it is about today that is making me feel this way. Maybe because it's Monday?? I think I will blame it on something that happened at 1:30am.

My wonderful significant other's alarm clock went off at 1:30 in the morning. Now his alarm isn't some normal "beep beep beep" alarm. It's some random, annoying, scare the crap out of you alarm....and it went off while I was having probably one of the best nights of sleep a girl with two kids and a new house could have. So that happened, and of course he couldn't hear it go off. So I stumbled out of the bed, found the alarm clock a.k.a. Cell phone, and pushed a bunch of buttons until the sound went off. Climbed back into bed, and as soon as my head touched the pillow, again "@gir%44$tgCF*" (that is the best way I could describe the sound of this alarm). I then climbed back out of bed, this time waking him up to ask why the hell his alarm is going off at 1:30 in the morning. He looked at the phone and was like "oh, my phone thinks I live in New York". Those damn New Yorkers! He was supposed to get up at 4:30am to leave early for a business trip and some how, his phone thought that we were on New York time.

I woke up at 5:30 only to feed my daughter and put her back to sleep. Then I fell asleep on the couch until about 7:00. I never sleep in that late, but did it today and still managed to be on time (in a late way). It's just been one of those days to where you don't want to do ANYTHING...at least not anything at work. You have to drag your way through the day, and just hope and pray that the phone doesn't ring. I feel really bad for the people on the other side of the phone, I've put on my fake smile, but I'm sure they can tell through my voice that I'm not on top of my game today.

I finally found a cure for my bitterness, Mt. Dew and Reese's. I think it gave me enough caffeine to last until 5:00, then I can crash at home. Even though none of the people I've helped on the phone is going to read this, I still wanted to say SORRY for not being in the best mood ever. Hopefully tomorrow will be better....it's one day closer to Friday. :)

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