Jun 12, 2009

Oooooohhh Lordy! Demo Derby Fun!

Last night was defiantly a fantastic experience! I had the opportunity to drive in my first ever DEMO DERBY RACE! It was a BLAST! My time trial sucked because that was my first time ever in a demo car, out on dirt. So I got like 17 seconds when everyone else was getting anywhere from 12-15. That crapy time put me in the first powder puff race, in the first row, on the inside of the track. So I DID have the best advantage. I won first place (hell yeah!). I'm pretty confident that I fought for my title and it wasn't that easy of a win!

I get out on the track. One of my best friend's in the car right beside me (her first time as well) Then my brother-in-law's aunt in the car behind me. Then a couple other poor victims to my hell on wheels (not really). We go around the first lap as our "start-up" lap, then the green flag is thrown.....AND WE'RE OFF! At this point I am paying NO attention to the other cars. I go around the first tire, which was really close to the side of the race track. Then the second. Then the third. And fourth...then BAM! I hit a dip in the dirt! Which then made me slide right into the big huge tire! Straight on! I get around the tire...all the way around the track again, then BAM! Again and Again. Probably about 3 more times. Into the SAME freaking tire. On the 5th lap I got passed when I ran into the tire, so I caught up to the car and T-boned their back door and made them spin out...getting back in 1st place. The white "last lap" flag was thrown and it was easy riding all the way to the finishing line. Even though I didn't really battle the other cars, that track was ROUGH! Plus by the 3rd or 4th lap, I hit that damn tire so many times...my seat belt was TIGHT!!! And right over my neck!!! I have the marks and pain to prove it.

All in all it was fun! When I went to the front to get my trophy, I was shaking so bad and had such a big smile on my face!!! My "coach" Allen ran all the way around the track from the other side to greet me and give me a big hug for my fantastic effort. I was proud of myself and glad that all of my friends and family in the stands got to watch my (probably unexpected) victory.

I am FOR SURE going to do it again. MAYBE I'll become a bad ass demo chick with tattoos that say "bad ass demo chick". I could enter in all the guy competitions and beat the socks off of them. Then I would enter the actual DEMO part and crash every single car in that ring with out putting a scratch on my baby which I would call "Bertha".

Probably not...but maybe. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to see you blogging. It really is awesome and you'll "meet" some of the best peeps.

    That's really cool about the demo derby. I love seeing hot chicks on the track kicking those boys ass =]
