Jul 8, 2009

Meat is NOT my friend...

First off, I would like to point out that my blog layout has changed. Hopefully you have noticed before reading this post, and hopefully you like it.

OK back to MEAT. Especially steak. Not my friend at the moment. You see, I have a mouth. A mouth full of teeth. Teeth that bite things, teeth that chew things, teeth that grind things in to bits and pieces for easy digestion.....so on and so fourth. You get the point. Well I believe one of my teeth has a cavity. Actually, the cavity is in between two of my teeth. Every single time I eat steak, I get a piece of meet stuck in between these two teeth, and it is a B*tch trying to get the meat out. Now that I have a cavity, as soon as I start picking at this spot to get the meat out, it will hurt all day. No fun.

I really need to go to the dentist but don't want to. It's not because I don't like going to the dentist, my dentist office is actually pretty cool. Trips to this place are actually fond memories of mine as a child. The office has a big double sided aquarium built into the wall with all sorts of fish, magazines for children, and a really cool book that tells stories of the bible with really cool pictures in it. This book has been in that office ever since I can remember. And every time I step foot in that office and see that book, it brings me back to my childhood. Another awesome thing about this place, if you go into the bathroom, the toilet seat is clear and sparkly. It has all sorts of dental tools built right into the seat, it's really fun to look at. I remember telling my mom that I have to go to the bathroom as soon as we got there, just so I could admire this toilet seat (kind of gross now that I think of it, sitting there admiring a place where people put their naked behind, lol). So as you can see by all the awesome things that this office as to offer, this is NOT a place to dislike. My reasoning for not wanting to go is....yup...you guessed it! MONEY! Also an arch enemy of mine! I have no dental insurance, and such trips like these are pretty costly.

So I'm stuck, with a cavity, in between my teeth, in my mouth, on my body, sitting at this desk, writing this blog post, on this computer, in this building, on this street, in this town....I could go on forever but some of you might get bored. So I will stop there. If any of you have some mad dental skills, hit me up! My teefers would greatly appriciate it! :)

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