Jul 14, 2009

If I had the means to adopt, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

I've had the great pleasure in being able to follow the blog of an amazing family who lives all the way across the country. I just love reading their blog and getting a sneak peek into their lives. Their story is truly inspirational and has led me to the joys of adoption. Please take the time to read their blog, and watch their Gotcha Day video. It is truly amazing. If anyone reading this has ever considered adoption, or is currently considering it, please please please follow through. I believe that this is the BEST gift anyone could ever give a child. The gift of FAMILY, the gift of LOVE. God Bless!!!!!


Jul 10, 2009

HSN like I've never seen before...

I'm sure all of you have seen the Home Shopping Network on TV. That show that you probably will never buy anything from, but you always catch yourself watching for at least a good 5 minutes of. With the sweet old ladies selling clothes, jewelry, make-up, home gadgets, and almost anything you can think of. Actually....I'm just going to take the word "almost" out of that last sentence. ANYTHING you could imagine buying, they have a show on TV to sell it.

Last night I got into bed and decided to watch a little bit of TV before I fell asleep. It was probably about 10:00pm. I'm searching through the guide, and nothing much is on....but something catches my eye. A show called "Erotic Goodies" on a home shopping channel. So I'm like Huh?? What the heck is that?? I turn to the channel. It's a freaking Kink version of HSN. I don't think it was actually HSN but the whole,

"Yes you can buy this for only 3 easy payments of $19.95!"
"You must hurry because supplies are going fast!"
"If you buy today, shipping and handling is FREE!"

Sweet ladies talking about these wonderful products that they have on show for today that come with all of these wonderful features. But instead of talking about a toaster, they are talking about a dildo.

Instead of,

"Look at how wide these slots are, perfect for bagels! And this nifty little dial that lets you choose the amount of crispiness you'd like! It comes in an assortment of colors to match your kitchen!"


"Look how big and long these are! And this nifty little dial that lets you choose the amount of vibration! It comes in an assortment of colors to fit your preference!"

WOW. Just WOW. What is this world coming to??!?

When my kids are older, I am DEFINITELY never going to let them watch TV past like 2:00pm. And if they ask for a TV in their room?? "Yeah sure, when you turn 18. Oh What? All your friends get to have a TV in their room? Yeah well all your friends are going to grow up to be porn stars!" GEEZ!! I am officially afraid for my kid's future. PLEASE God, let them grow up to be normal. Maybe become a priest or a nun?? That would be GREAT. Thank you God. Amen!

Jul 9, 2009

This guy is freaking HILARIOUS!

So I would like to give praise to some 40-something year old guy who is freaking hilarious! I would only hope to be at least 1/8ths as funny as this guy one day. Enjoy!! :)


Jul 8, 2009

Meat is NOT my friend...

First off, I would like to point out that my blog layout has changed. Hopefully you have noticed before reading this post, and hopefully you like it.

OK back to MEAT. Especially steak. Not my friend at the moment. You see, I have a mouth. A mouth full of teeth. Teeth that bite things, teeth that chew things, teeth that grind things in to bits and pieces for easy digestion.....so on and so fourth. You get the point. Well I believe one of my teeth has a cavity. Actually, the cavity is in between two of my teeth. Every single time I eat steak, I get a piece of meet stuck in between these two teeth, and it is a B*tch trying to get the meat out. Now that I have a cavity, as soon as I start picking at this spot to get the meat out, it will hurt all day. No fun.

I really need to go to the dentist but don't want to. It's not because I don't like going to the dentist, my dentist office is actually pretty cool. Trips to this place are actually fond memories of mine as a child. The office has a big double sided aquarium built into the wall with all sorts of fish, magazines for children, and a really cool book that tells stories of the bible with really cool pictures in it. This book has been in that office ever since I can remember. And every time I step foot in that office and see that book, it brings me back to my childhood. Another awesome thing about this place, if you go into the bathroom, the toilet seat is clear and sparkly. It has all sorts of dental tools built right into the seat, it's really fun to look at. I remember telling my mom that I have to go to the bathroom as soon as we got there, just so I could admire this toilet seat (kind of gross now that I think of it, sitting there admiring a place where people put their naked behind, lol). So as you can see by all the awesome things that this office as to offer, this is NOT a place to dislike. My reasoning for not wanting to go is....yup...you guessed it! MONEY! Also an arch enemy of mine! I have no dental insurance, and such trips like these are pretty costly.

So I'm stuck, with a cavity, in between my teeth, in my mouth, on my body, sitting at this desk, writing this blog post, on this computer, in this building, on this street, in this town....I could go on forever but some of you might get bored. So I will stop there. If any of you have some mad dental skills, hit me up! My teefers would greatly appriciate it! :)

Jul 7, 2009

Random thoughts for the day...


***What the heck is wrong with my car??***
We got it fixed, and I drove it yesterday, today it wont start.

***I hate people who thrive off of drama***
It's annoying.

***more people in the house equals more fun***
...lets hope that's what it equals.

***I have too much stuff to do in the next couple of weekends***
Don't want to do it all.

***I really want to go out to my Momma's house***
I haven't been out there for a while.

***I really like to wrap up in my warm blanket at work***
It's warm and fuzzy :)

***Brian and Jess crack me up***
Which comes first in the alphabet? A or B??

***I'm so happy I got to talk to Boo and Nina***
Email is a wonderful thing.

***Swimming sounds really good today***
Hopefully it's hot when I get home tonight.

***If I had the means to adopt a child from a 3rd world country***
I'd do it in a heartbeat.

***Is it lunch yet?***
I want to go home.

***What should I eat for lunch?***
This is a very hard decision.

***I really like the smell of the hand sanitizer on my desk***
It smells good, it's called Morning Fresh.

***Hopefully Morgan doesn't follow my blog***
I totally copied her idea for this random thoughts post.

***I wonder how many people follow this blog***

***people who stress out, make me stressed out***
Just deal with the issue and fix it.

***Brownies with frosting sound really good right now***

***What can I make out of ground hamburger***
Besides tacos, hamburgers, or hamburger helper?

***Is it time to go home yet??***

Nope! Two more hours...
